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Transfer Count Me In FAQ

Frequently Asked Questions - "Count Me In" Transfer Offer


  1. Does Count Me In guarantee my admission to UC Merced?

    If you meet the prescribed criteria listed on the website, which includes the minimum UC transfer admission requirements and required major selection, and successfully complete the online submission process, you will be considered for admission to UC Merced for the Fall 2024 term.

  2. Why have I been offered the opportunity to be considered for admission to UC Merced when it wasn't one of my University of California campus choices?

    We recognize your potential for success at the University of California. In that light, we would like to give you a chance to indicate interest in UC Merced, even though you did not initially apply here.

  3. If I decide to take you up on this offer and be considered for admission to UC Merced, what is my next step?

    The Count Me In website you visited via the link in your invitation will take you through several steps, including selecting your major at UC Merced and a page that lists conditions you must meet to be considered for admission.

  4. Why do I have to certify that I will meet certain conditions and complete specific courses?

    At UC Merced, all majors are selective at the transfer level. Without the listed required courses, transfer students cannot be admitted to majors at UC Merced. We want to make sure you have carefully reviewed all the information before completing the online submission process for Count Me In. 

  5. When do I need to respond?

    The deadline to visit the Count Me In website and indicate your interest was provided in your invitation email.

  6. If I am not offered fall admission, may I speak with an advisor to see how to prepare for a Spring 2025 application?

    Yes, you can make an online appointment with one of our Transfer Admissions Advisors about how best to prepare for a Spring 2025 application.

  7. Financial Aid: Do I need to make any updates to my Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) or California Dream Act Application (CADAA)?

    If you already submitted the FAFSA or CADAA, you should add UC Merced as soon as possible. Our FAFSA Code is 041271. If you did not already submit the FAFSA or Dream Act Application, you can still submit it now. Aid may still be available! If you have questions, contact the Financial Aid Office at (209) 228-7178 or visit

  8. Can I select a major?

    Yes, selecting a major is one of the advanced steps in the online submission process. We recommend you review the major-specific admission requirements to make sure you have completed the coursework required for admission.  Visit to review the requirements.

  9. How much will it cost to be considered for admission through this offer?

    There is no admission application fee to add UC Merced to your application through the Count Me In online submission process.

  10. Are there any other costs?

    If you decide to enroll, all other regular costs are applicable. These costs include a deposit to submit your Statement of Intent to Register (SIR), a housing deposit (if applicable), and orientation fees. Other regular fees can be seen at

  11. What if the information I entered on the website was inaccurate?

    Please note: Admission is provisional with the condition that all information submitted can be officially verified and the Conditions of Admission are met. Students who do not meet the conditions will lose their offer of admission.

  12. If I have questions, how do I get in touch with you?

    Call us at (209) 228-7178. You can also email or visit