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Satisfying Lower-Division General Education

Satisfying Lower-Division General Education

Transfer students should complete an acceptable general education course pattern and preparatory courses for the intended major, prior to transfer. Successful completion of general education and major preparation will assure that you do not need to take any additional lower division courses at UC Merced. 

California Community College transfer students who complete the Intersegmental General Education Transfer Curriculum (IGETC) satisfy all lower division general education requirements at UC Merced. Students transferring from other University of California campuses can satisfy lower division general education by completing the lower division general education requirements at the UC campus they are transferring from. If you are planning to transfer from other colleges or universities, you should confer with a UC Merced transfer admissions counselor as early as possible about course patterns that will satisfy UC Merced’s lower division general education requirements. 

Find the School which offers your intended major below for more specific requirements for satisfying lower division general education.

School of Engineering

Transfer students can satisfy lower division general education by completing one the following paths:

  • Students with at least 45 transferable units who have completed and had certified the Intersegmental General Education Transfer Curriculum (IGETC) will have satisfied the lower division general education requirements.
  • Students with at least 45 transferable units, but without IGETC, can satisfy Engineering lower division general education requirements by completing at least 34 credits in the following pattern of transferable courses:
    • Two English composition courses [also satisfies eligibility requirement]
    • One mathematics course [a mathematics course that satisfies major preparation will satisfy this requirement]
    • Three arts/humanities courses with at least one each in arts and humanities
    • Three social sciences courses in at least two disciplines
    • Two science courses, one each from biological sciences and physical sciences [sciences courses that satisfy major preparation will also satisfy this requirement]
  • Students with less than 45 transferable units who have not completed the above pattern will default to the School of Engineering general education pattern which includes CORE 1.

School of Natural Sciences

Transfer students can satisfy lower division general education by completing one the following paths:

  • Students with at least 45 transferable units who have completed and had certified the Intersegmental General Education Transfer Curriculum (IGETC) will have satisfied the lower division general education requirements.
  • Students with at least 45 transferable units, but without IGETC, can satisfy Natural Sciences lower division general education requirements by including the following pattern of transferable courses within the 45 units:
    • Two English composition courses [also satisfies eligibility requirement] 
    • One mathematics course [a mathematics course that satisfies major preparation will satisfy this requirement]
    • Three arts/humanities courses with at least one each in arts and humanities
    • Three social sciences courses in at least two disciplines
    • Two science courses, one each from biological sciences and physical sciences [sciences courses that satisfy major preparation will also satisfy this requirement]
  • Students who transfer with fewer than 45 transferable semester units will need to complete Natural Sciences general education requirements which includes CORE 1.

School of Social Sciences, Humanities and Arts

Transfer students are strongly encouraged to complete IGETC in order to prepare for work with the School of Social Sciences, Humanities and Arts.

Students who do not complete IGETC before transferring are required to complete SSHA Foundations, an IGETC-like general education pattern. Please contact the SSHA Advising Office for more information at